Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ode to Breakfast

"I'm bored with breakfasts!" is a comment I hear on some of the paleo forums I frequent. I always wonder why. Who made the rule that breakfast had to be composed of breakfast-y foods? Well I for one intend to break the rules!

Okay, so I admit... there are eggs up there, and eggs are still a traditionally breakfast food. But my point is that breakfast is a great time for leftovers from the night before! I had sliced up some pork shoulder that I couldn't finish for dinner, added mushrooms that had been part of the previous nights meal, and added the eggs to round out dinner for my rumbling tummy. Savoury and filling, it was just what I needed first thing in the morning.

Yesterday I had leftover "disaster" curry, the day before that I had beet greens, and the day before that it was deviled eggs. Sometimes I'll even leave a little extra dinner on purpose, because I'm already greedily looking forward to tucking into it in the morning.

To further push the issue, sometimes in the evening I get crazy hungry out of nowhere. At those times, my absolute favourite "go-to" quick fix is a couple slices of bacon and an egg. And when my friend Conor visited from out of town, our compromise "I eat Paleo - he wants to eat out" was a great local breakfast joint called The Roxy. So sure, maybe I've turned things upside down, but that's one of the best parts of eating this way--eating what you are craving when you are hungry, instead of following the traditional path of syrup-laden pancakes and gloppy oatmeal.

Viva la non-traditional breakfast!


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