Who do you think you are?
No, really. I want to know! Most of the folks popping by here seem to have come here from chowstalker, so I'm assuming that the bulk of you already eat paleo. I want to know about you all: so the big question I'm putting out there is
Who are you?
What blogs do you guys have? Are they paleo? Political? Whimsical? What is one thing you want people to know about you, or to associate with you? Other than site hits, I don't know who any of you are, and I'd love to change that. Every Wednesday I want to have a new question to ask everyone, but to begin with I'll keep it broad and simple: Tell me who you are!
(You don't have to get detailed, I promise I probably won't stalk you, so no home addresses or telephone numbers. ;) If you don't want to leave a comment, e-mail me at curiouscarnivore AT gmail.com. I love comments and e-mails, and I've love to get to know some of you!)
oscar here, just found you through modern paleo, looking for more sites like this. i've been doing paleo for a week now, down 4lbs. i guess the one thing people should know about me is that i'm a dj in boston, basically living the dream i guess lol. formerly from the uk, been here six years now. nice site.
I'm pretty sure I found you through Modern Paleo as well- I'm a new blogger and fellow rodeo-er.
Something unusual? Umm... I'm going to try to cook grasshoppers this weekend. If I can catch them.
Hello Oscar and Lauren! :) Thanks for de-lurking!
Lauren, I can't wait to hear how the grasshoppers taste. I've always wanted to try an insect, and for some reason I think the crunchier, the better. Just caught your post on paleo cornbread, sounds amazing!
Hi from Nebraska! Not sure if it was Chowstalker or Modern Paleo that initially brought me here. First thing that caught my eye was a photo of Henry. Another Britt lover! Am hoping you continue to blog about his diet as well as yours. My Britt, Max, is a few months shy of 2. This summer I switched him to a grain free diet after a series of trips to the vet for a variety of ailments. So far, so good. I've been trying to eat paleo since the start of the year, but am having a hard time kicking the carb habit. Sites like yours are a huge help.
Hi Beth! I always get giddy when I meet another Britt owner. (Pssst! Don't we have the BEST dogs? :) )
I'm so glad this humble little site can help! It's all about learning as I go. It's funny the connections people make with their pets and their own bodies. Once I started feeding Henry raw/grain-free, it just clicked that "Hey, why don't I take care of myself the same way?"
Thanks so much for the comment, pleasure to meet you!
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