Monday, August 15, 2011

Featured Post 8/15

There aren't many "celebrity" paleo-ers out yet, although there's always the hint of so-and-so on a "limited grains" diet, or "high protein, high fat". Rumours abound of Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, and Matthew McConaughey all being on the paleo diet. Whether these are true or not remains to be seen, but recently internet celebrity Heather Armstrong of Dooce wrote up a post about going paleo.

It's funny because I've been a long-time dooce reader, and watched a video on her site about how she works from home. During the video she clearly makes a lettuce wrap for lunch, and at that moment I thought "Hey! That's paleo! Mmmm, lettuce wrap..."

See how peer pressure works? She's an enabler, damnit.

After watching the video, I started catching up on older posts, and came across this one where she announces that she's following a new eating plan. I knew before she officially mentioned it that she was talking about paleo, and grinned as she described all the benefits she has been experiencing; they echoed my own experience as well. I love how Heather mentions that she's never hungry anymore, and I feel the exact same way. There has been such a joy in cooking and eating recently that I have not had in a long time, and it's wonderful to see the paleo diet reaching a wider audience, thanks to those who have a longer reach in the internet sphere.

To read the Featured Post for 8/15, click here.


She's also written more about her experiences with paleo here:

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