Yesterday Henry spent the day at a dog-daycare facility as a trial run for boarding him for this upcoming weekend (Music Fest North West!). He and Jeff's dog Jezebel spent the day romping about with canine pals, peeing on things, and generally goofing off.
I spent the day eating bread.
It wasn't a planned "cheat day" per se; I knew that during the 4-day music fest I'd likely have a beer or two, and that was planned. But yesterday was the first dog-free date day Jeff and I have had in a very long time, so I ended up indulging. I had pastries at St. Honore Bakery in the morning, along with wonderful coffee and cream. I had a mocha (and I don't even like mochas) at Ace Hotel. I had a Himalyan noodle dish from a food cart at Art in the Parks. And I topped it off with sushi from our old favourite sushi place.
It was so...unsatisfying. I hadn't realized that a big difference of what I feel when I eat paleo is satisfied. I eat my meat, and my veggies, and then I'm good for hours. When I ate all that bread not only did it not last (I was so hungry the whole day!), it felt completely disconnected from eating. My stomach was uncomfortably full, but I didn't feel energized or satisfied. For me, that was the most noticeable difference. I'm so happy that I cheated, because I now have a fresh comparison in my mind between how good it feels to be on paleo, and how crappy it feels to not.
No stomach upsets, thankfully. And, because life is worth living, I am still going to have a beer next weekend. But I don't need the noodles, or the sushi, or the bread. I don't even want them. Last night Jeff and I were at his place, dogs conked out on the floor, and I was still hungry (after a whole day of eating!). He whipped me up a Paleo chicken salad, and it was the best thing I'd eaten all day.
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