Later this week I have some fantastic recipes to post, but first I want to put up the featured post of the week. I don't have children, but I do think about what I ate as a child, and how I would feed children if I had them. I know a puppy isn't a child, but I have a maternal amount of concern over what Henry eats, and how his condition and behaviour are. I do strongly believe that his mood as well as his overall health is greatly affected by the raw diet he is on.
The same goes for myself. I know without a doubt that when sugars, lactose (unfortunately), and wheat begins to creep back into my diet, my mood begins to dip and I get cranky more often. In today's featured post, Stacy from Paleo Parents talks about their young son's behavioral changes, as well as his pro-healthy perspective in eating. If I ever have children, I would want them to be highly aware of what they eat and why. It's definitely something to think about, and why it's today's featured post!
Check out the post at Paleo Parents, by clicking here.
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