Wednesday, September 7, 2011

De-Lurk Wednesday: How did you hear about Paleo?

How did you come to this diet?

Now be honest. Did you think it was a load of bunk before you heard it out? Or was it something you intuitively knew to be right, but you didn't have a name for it? Did you research it nonstop before you began, or did you plunge headfirst?

I had heard about it from a vegetarian friend of mine who was making the switch. As soon as he began talking about the paleo lifestyle, I knew right away that it was what I had been looking for. For years I had been feeling "off", but not sure why. My weight was more or less okay (ranging between 125-135) but in the last couple months I had really begun to edge up to the 140s. I figured a lot of it was due to 'life stress', and in a way it was, but I couldn't deny that I had been feeling out of shape and unmotivated for years.

My friend had planned to begin soon. Before the words were out of his mouth, I swore I'd start with him. "It's always easier with a buddy system," I said, pretending that I was doing it for him. I couldn't bullshit for long. Within weeks, and before he was ready, I jumped the gun. I wanted to try it! And now I'm set. He began himself finally, not too long ago. Hopefully my "pioneering" has helped some of the initial hurdles. I can't lie though: I'm not doing this to help anyone out; except my own health, of course. :) 


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